Law of Success

Law of Success Divinity Chart

The Law of Success is an important “golden key” from the thoughts and research of Napoleon Hill — his very thorough and comprehensive mind-power method for achieving your goals.

From the experiences of the many industrialists, diplomats, thought leaders, and successful people from all walks of life that Hill interviewed, he put forth what he learned into these fifteen core Principles.

We have laid out the Law of Success into the Law of Success Divinity Chart for easy use, to help us to focus and seek understanding of the principles and how it applies to us and our on-going endeavors.

Higher Self, please show me the area that I need to make adjustment / improvement in, based on the current stage of my work/project pertaining to ____________________? (describe your work/project or anything you wish to manifest)

Higher Self, please show me which is/are the principles that I may need to further cultivate and learn in the current stage of my work/project pertaining to ____________________? (describe your work/project or anything you wish to manifest)

* Please note that there may be more than one area/principle that is relevant to us at the current stage of our work/project. Ask your Higher Self if there are further answers to the above. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then proceed to seek out further answers.

Once you have the answer(s) through the guidance of your Higher Self, you may use the book, The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill to gain more insights from the specific lesson / principle as shared in the book.

FREE! Law of Success eBook Download – Bundled with Self Mastery Series

More Reading:
The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder’s Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams

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